Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Westminster Abbey!

January 16, 2013,

     Last Sunday night, the 13th, I went to a service at Westminster Abbey.  As beautiful as it is on the outside with lights beaming on the sides casting very eerie shadows that in some way help express how old the building truly is, the abbey on the inside is even more breathtaking.  Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures while inside, but the unbelievably high ceilings and the fact that everything is covered in gold made it hard to pay attention.  I was slightly taken back when a woman walked in to give the service, but, as I learned, Westminster Abbey is part of the Church of England which allows woman to give the service.  As much as I was trying to focus on the speaker, I often found my eyes wandering all the way between the high ceilings to the detailed woodwork in the choir rows where we were sitting.  The service was similar to a catholic mass, but we did not have communion and we spoke much more frequently.  I often found myself subconsciously speaking in an accent when we were asked to say something right after the speaker.  I felt like such a poser, but it was fun :) I hope to experience many different churches before the semester is over!

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