Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First Post - Leaving Minnesota

January 2nd, 2013,

This is my first post as I start my adventure in London! I am now done packing (finally), and very ready and excited to go! Ever since I was little I've wanted to study abroad in London and I can't believe after so many years it's finally my time to go! My flight is at 9:40 PM tonight, Jan. 2nd.  I will be landing at 12:05 PM (London time), which is 6:05 AM Minnesota time.  Hopefully I will be able to sleep a little on the plane otherwise it will be a very long day! Once I land, since there are so many people in my program on my flight FIE (the university I will be attending while in London) has arranged a shuttle to take us where we need to go. I am slightly nervous and sad to leave my friends and family back home, but am overall so unbelievably excited for the adventure of a lifetime to begin!

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