Sunday, January 6, 2013

Second Post - First Days in London

January, 6th, 2013,

Hello from London! Despite from being a little under the weather these first couple days I've really been enjoying my time in London! I'm living in Manson Place 13, in flat 14, room E with 3 other girls! In my whole flat there are 6 girls and 8 boys.  It is a tight squeeze but a lot of fun! In our whole group from my school we have 3 flats, but ours has turned into the flat that everyone congregates to, which I like because we constantly have people around and it is a lot of fun! We have a great view of very pretty flats across the street! We are living in South Kensington which is a really nice area of London and home of some famous people (William and Kate are moving here soon!) The first couple days we have toured our schools and walked around Kensington and Hyde Park.  We have also explored the tube (the underground transportation system here) and traveled to big ben, parliament, and the london eye! We have also gone to a couple of pubs and really love the atmosphere at them.  I am enjoying getting to know my group and am excited for the trip to continue! ( not so much the classes starting part though :( )

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